Corporate Social Responsibility
OSG has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact as has the OSG company Alfagates in its own right. All OSG companies operate in accordance with the Ten Principles of the UNGC and they also seek to maximise beneficial impact through local employment, training, standards of efficiency, health & safety and environmental sustainability. Further to this though, there is a significant focus on providing beneficial impact through specific corporate social responsibility commitments.
These commitments include covering administrative costs and providing management support to a number of not-for-profit organisations. One such is Twins, a charity linking schools between the UK and areas of natural disaster/general need for practical support, educational interaction and cultural understanding. Another is MABA, which promotes cultural, educational, sporting and charitable links between the peoples of Myanmar and Britain. OSG also works with ABE, a not-for-profit organisation that makes practical business education available and affordable in emerging economies.
A new initiative is the SAFTID programme, to create jobs and build skills bases amongst artisanal fishing communities in the Horn of Africa.